
Hello :)
Thank you so much for visiting our blog, it means a lot to us. We try to update about the boys everyday, the last information then. First we just want to make sure that we have no contact with the boys or mangament. We get some of the information from other fans, and other sources. We do not unfortunately charge for wrong information, we try to give you the right information but sometimes it wrong. And we're sorry for that.
To the point. Right now we all have Easterbreak from school and of course you can think that we maybe have more time to update then? No, unfortunately. We're all going away and will maybe not have the best internet or a chance to computer this week. The update will hopefully work as it should- if the internet want to work with us, but if not we want you to know why. Hopefully you will not see any difference, but we just want you to know.
Again, thank you for reading the blog and we hope you will not notice any difference. Happy Easter everyone! :)
Our facebookpage and twitter will be running as usual


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