Stuff you could buy

Stuff you could buy at the consert tonight!x

We're really sorry

We're really sorry for not updating at all. But we're here again and gonna try our best to make you proud! The school is soon over, and that means we can spend so much time to uptade you guys! You will know everything before the guys do, sounds good? Continue with all the good credic e get and don't stop read, it's a lot of reader when we're not writing hmm.. And follow us on twitter or like our facebook page. Have a nice day/night! - all the admins

Cute pics on Larry


Up All Night- the tour DVD

The Up All Night- the tour DVD release today! If you preorder it they will send it today probably!

Mohegan Sun Arena

Mohegan Sun Arena where the boys will perform tonight. Their first perfrormance of their North American tour!

1D Flash Mob Finland

The US tour is about to begin!

The boys arrived to Boston 9PM local time. What met them there was a big black tour bus. They are lightly going to travel in it throughout the whole US tour. They will probably not be as frequent as before- go to a hotel, because the bus have apparently beds in it!
The boys in Boston, outsid their tour bus.

Zayns new tattoo

Zayns new tattoo, much better quality.

Back to UK

The boys will soon go back to UK, and Niall probably visiting Irland. They've now been away for months so hopefully they'll be really happy to go home.
Liam are going on a trip holiday toghether with Danielle, before all of them going back to US and Canada.

Brave boys

Our brave boys Liam and Louis are doing Bungee jumping!
Seems like Lilo have started to do a lot of fun things together lately!


There're are now rumors who says that some of the boys got Instagram. Just want to tell you that all of them probably are fake.
We hope you don't get to disappointed that they haven't instagram, in a interview they said that they don't have it so it's all fake account.

Always check twice, to make sure!


Hey girls, boys, directioner!
We're really sorry that our update on Alwaysandforeverdirection haven't been the best update lately.
Right now we all have really much work to do in school before summer holiday, and have to prority that first.
We see that there is still many people who visit our blog, thank you so much. We really appreciate it!
We hope soon that we've got some spare time time over to blogg  so that we everyday can update as useal. Our twitter update is more updated every day, so you can go and follow for better update, faster information (halelujah1D) - or press the following buttom in our menu!
Again, thank you so much for still visiting the blog! x

Get tickets

1D surfboards

The boys got their 1D surfboard. Wow, I think they are really good made! Hope Liam got a chance now to use his! I would love to see all the boys i the waves, on this boards.


Haha. Liam

Rooftop performance

The boys on helium

Tour in Australia 2013

One Direction will do a national arena tour in Australia 2013. They confirmed it on Today show!


Live on Today show right now! They all look really happy!

Sydney hotel

This is the hotel the lads are staying at. For safty I'm not going to write the name of the hotel. There are still so many fans there enough. Rumours says that they've booked 3 floors, at the hotel. But it still just rumours. When Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens were in Sydney the stayed at the same hotel.

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