Tom Fletcher is back writing songs?!

Tom Fletcher from McFly, allready write a few songs to their first album, and now he want's to write more to their next one. He haven't got so many ideas about what One direction would like to have, but he's willing to write. He's open to every single opinion and he thinks it's gonna be fun. 
The Fletcher told to The Star; "I havn't been given a brief as what kind of song they want from me, we're just waiting to see what I come up with"

When Tom watching One Direction he remember how it was for McFly, the same pasion is there and he can relate to himself in young age.
"Some songwriters have nevver been in a band, but One Direction guys can relate to me as I've been through the same kind of experiences as they have. When I've been in the studio with them, the manic atmosphere was just the same as when we made our debut."

Danny Jones (also in McFly) is a big fan of One Direction, but McFly didn't really achieved succes over in the big pond; "They have earned it and What Makes You Beautiful is one of the best pop songs of the last 10 years."


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