One Direction 4 million likes

One Directio hits 4 000 000 likes on Facebook!

‘Up All Night: The Live Tour’ DVD

April fools from the guys

Can't believe I'm going to be a Dad! Wow!
We can confirm that @Harry_Styles IS pregnant. If it's a girl he's calling it Anne. If it's a boy, Juan Direction Styles. #HarrysPregnant
Well I've just shaved my head.... Not really sure if you guys are gna like it? So ill post a pik in 10 tell me what ya think :D x
I missed some april fool from Niall and Liam would be nice to see what they would do.

Radio 1

One Direction will be on Radio 1 (UK) tonight, at 9pm!


They boys have been away for a long time now in the US and they starting to become a bit homesick. Louis mom flew in a week ago, and it looks like the other moms joined too. We hope they soon got a chance to go back to UK, Ireland for a break!


They boys yesterday

One Direction invited to White House?

One Direction are said to have met Michelle Obama (The First Lady) at KCA. Michelle Obama have reportedly been invited the boys to the White House. They have been invited to attend Barack Obamas annual Ester egg hunt (April 9), but has apparently denied because the Australian tour.

LA house?

Rumors says that one directions management have bought an American house for the boys in L.A. It is just still rumors, but it seems like not everyone is happy about it, and want the boys back in UK. Is it true that one direction have got an another apartment, in US? We have to wait and see!


Good job Harry

Beautiful clothes!

Would you wear this?

I should wear this, think I'm gonna by some of this stuff some day, i like Louis style pretty much.


To see the boys in America- or just outside in the big world, make me realize that they have growing really fast. They are getting bigger each day that passes. I've not been with them since the first, first beginning, but still long enough to see how it has grow from 1000 girls to miljons of them. The lovely directioners fanbase grows daily. As it stands now, they boys will probably be one of the biggest band 2013. It's pretty scary, but it makes me, you, every single fan proud. Proud of our boys. Proud to be a Directioner

Perez Hilton writes about 1D

Perez Hilton writes about 1D
Seems like he really like them, one new Directioner?

Perform NAKED On Tour

Ha ha what do you think?

Watch KCA here

Update: Watch KCA live here:
8 pm eastern time 31 March. Before watching, make sure you're check out what time it is for you!

New book!

The boys working on one more book and they will be releasing it in 2013?, in the book it will be unseen photos, behind the scenese, gossips and new video footage!
Niall Horan said; "We're so excited to announce that we will new books for 2013. We loved working with Dare to Dream and wanted it to be as personal as possible so that the fan's could really get more of a feeling of who we are. We're going to go to the same lenghts for our new book and really hope to give our fan's something new and special. For us, the important things is that our fans love and are happy with anything we put out so this a really important release for us. We can't wait to get working on it."
Their latest book was the best selling music book of the year, and with their recent succes in the USA. Are you looking forward to see the next book, I can say that I am.
Dare to Dream

Plans for 1st April

1. Unfollow all the boys and then at 7 that night we will re-follow all the boys.

2. Get "Larry Stylinson Sex Taped Leaked' trendeing and then at 7 get 'Larry Stylinson Sex Tape April Fool!' trending

3. Get 'We Regret Being Directioners' trendin and then at 7 trending 'We Love Being DIRECTIONERS!'

4. Get 'One Direction Nude Pics Leaked' trending and then at 7 that night get 'We Wish' trending.


Backstage at KCA;
Harry and Zayn signing.
They boys loge sign.
The boys seats tonight, anold picture at them bring old cute memories.


The boys are rehearsing today too, for tomorrow's award.

(The stage where they will perform)

One Directions cars

So here's the diffrent cars the are going with, in Sweden they hade Mercedes Viano but they could also go with this car.
Mercedes Viano

Range Rover Vogue

Chrysler Grand Voyager

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