1st April

There has been lot of talking about how to make an April fool on the boys. There have been many proposals and ideas that we should trend difference thing on twitter. Not it seems like a new one has been update.
Are we going to fool the boys in two days, the first of April, and tweet this?

Billboard hot 100

Whate makes you beautiful is on the eleventh place at Hot 100 on Billboard.

Nick - What it takes to be a Directioner

As we all know, Directioners haven't really been that positive over the whole Nickelodeon-1D thing and it seems that Nick still doesn't know how to keep us from getting angry. Two days ago a list on What it takes to be a Directioner was posted on their website. (Read the whole article here)

This is the things that they think you have to know:

Watch KCA

If you wanna watch online you can watch from this link (8pm in L.A) So if you from any other country it will be difference time!
Not sure if its working, we've to waint and see.

Break in London?

One Direction will be at the KCA tomorrow and their time in the US starts to run out for this time. They boys will next week go back to London for some few day and then visit the other side of the globe, Australia. This is the first time One Direction will visit Australia togheter and tours is one the plan.


One Direction were rehearsing for the Kids Choice awards 2012 today in L.A. The award begins tomorrow ( Saturday 31 March).
Our lovely Niall tweetet about it recently.
Who is excited?

Dare to dream book

For all the American fans, the Dare to dream book by One Direction will be out in shops 2nd May. Just for the American fans.
For you who don't live in America, but really want to have it too I recommend to order it online!


Hundreds of fans was camping outside the studio in Montreal, just to see the boys. Some fans spend 30 hours outside in the freezing weather.
The temperature were under zero degrees and apparently some of the girls become very bad and 6 girls was driving to the hospital for fainted and chill.

Better than the real commercial

Slips down.

One Direction made music history for the first time last week when they got on the first place at Billboard. They were the first UK band to take the first place in US. It seems like our boys are big favorites over the pond and all around the world. And they're growing bigger and bigger every day!
Unfortunately One Direction have drooped from first place to a fourth on their second week.

Arriving at LAX

They boys arriving at LAX airport yesterday!
Louis mom Jay is flying in to L.A today to join the boys.

Tom Fletcher is back writing songs?!

Tom Fletcher from McFly, allready write a few songs to their first album, and now he want's to write more to their next one. He haven't got so many ideas about what One direction would like to have, but he's willing to write. He's open to every single opinion and he thinks it's gonna be fun. 
The Fletcher told to The Star; "I havn't been given a brief as what kind of song they want from me, we're just waiting to see what I come up with"

When Tom watching One Direction he remember how it was for McFly, the same pasion is there and he can relate to himself in young age.
"Some songwriters have nevver been in a band, but One Direction guys can relate to me as I've been through the same kind of experiences as they have. When I've been in the studio with them, the manic atmosphere was just the same as when we made our debut."

Danny Jones (also in McFly) is a big fan of One Direction, but McFly didn't really achieved succes over in the big pond; "They have earned it and What Makes You Beautiful is one of the best pop songs of the last 10 years."

Glee + WMYB=True

All Glee lovers out there, who also has a crush on 1D will probably now become happy. Matthew Morrision, who plays Will Schuester in Glee told The Sun that; ”I’ve just heard of them, they’re really taking over the States. We are covering one of their songs on Glee, What makes you beautiful”.

We’re really looking forward to see this, and believe that Glee club will make a great cover!

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