Live on sunrise

The boys will be one Sunrise right now.

Outside sunrise studio

Fans camping outside sunrise studio right now.

Arriving to Sydney

Fans at the Airport, waiting for the boys.

Sunrise and The today show

One Direction will be on Sunrise at 6 am Sydney time (9pm- UK time) and The Today Show at 7:40am (10:40 pm).

Watch Weekend sunrise live here:
Watch Today show here:

(It will probably be on Youtube later)


Larry Stylinson on honeymoon.

Found Zouis

Seems like Paul (or other security) have found Bradford Bad Boi and Swagmasta from Doncasta
We hope there were some fans who were recording the 'Temple Run game'! Cus I would love to see it! (hehe)


Apparently there's a rumour that Louis and Zayn have slipped from their hotel- ignored security. When they got down the streets fans were chased them. This has made that Louis and Zayn treds wordwide, and everybody calls it 'Templerun comes to life with Zayn and Louis'. (#Zouis Temple Run). Apparently is Paul out and looking for them.


The boys aer in Sydney, oh I wish I was there, watched the flight on my computer!

Arrive to Sydney.

The boys will arrive to Sydney right now. They will probably take another back way, and not the ordinary.

Just some pics

Watch iGo One Direction

Watch Icarly here:
Miss iGo One Direction on Icarly yesterday? You can watch it over, and over again on the link below.
pause a few minutes and let it load.


There has been rumours that the boys are going to record a single with Justin Bieber. This reputation is now confirmed that its not true.
accesshollywood wrote about it, and you can read it here:

After the Aussie tour.

After the Australian tour, it's confirmed that One Direction will start to record their second album. This will take place- as it look right now- in London, L.A Sweden. So they boys will come home to UK (and Irland) after soon 3 month away.
I am sorry we have not had the opportunity to update as usual. I hope you still will keep reading the blog. x

Igo One Direction

IGo One Direction have prime on Nick tomorrow in US! Who's gonna watch?


Sold out in 2 minutes? proud!
40 minutes?

245 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000

Sydney store taking place. So I'm going to Sydney for one day or so and then I gonna force my parents to go there it's only 20 minutes from where we gonna stay ;)


Hello :)
Thank you so much for visiting our blog, it means a lot to us. We try to update about the boys everyday, the last information then. First we just want to make sure that we have no contact with the boys or mangament. We get some of the information from other fans, and other sources. We do not unfortunately charge for wrong information, we try to give you the right information but sometimes it wrong. And we're sorry for that.
To the point. Right now we all have Easterbreak from school and of course you can think that we maybe have more time to update then? No, unfortunately. We're all going away and will maybe not have the best internet or a chance to computer this week. The update will hopefully work as it should- if the internet want to work with us, but if not we want you to know why. Hopefully you will not see any difference, but we just want you to know.
Again, thank you for reading the blog and we hope you will not notice any difference. Happy Easter everyone! :)
Our facebookpage and twitter will be running as usual

Ponystep magazine

Arriving to NY

Boys are arriving to NY airport today. They look really tierd, hope the soon will get some rest!

One direction SNL

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